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Buy your favorite Food Club Buttermilk online with Instacart. Order Food Club Buttermilk from local and national retailers near you and enjoy on-demand, contactless delivery or pickup within 2 hours.
FAQs About Buttermilk
A natural source of protein, calcium, and riboflavin, buttermilk is known to help maintain strong bones, improve skin, and boost oral health. It's also fortified with extra vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A and D, potassium, and phosphorous, and it has plenty of probiotics. Buttermilk's health benefits include:
- Cooling down the digestive tract
- Treating stomach ailments
- Helping with dehydration
- Lowering body heat in high temperatures
- Detoxifying the body
- Improving eye health
- Promoting weight loss
- Increasing energy
- Raising immune levels
- Lowering blood pressure and cholesterol
It also may be digestible for lactose intolerant individuals.
While buttermilk sounds high in fat, it's actually lower in fat than regular milk. These are the nutrient values of one cup (245 ml) of cultured buttermilk:
- Calories 98
- Protein 8 grams
- Carbs 12 grams
- Fat 3 grams
- Fiber 0 grams
- Calcium 22% of the Daily Value (DV)
- Sodium 16% of the DV
- Riboflavin 29% of the DV
- Vitamin B12 22% of the DV
- Pantothenic acid 13% of the DV
Powdered buttermilk is strictly for baking or seasoning. Mix the powder with other dry ingredients or reconstitute it. Dry, reconstituted buttermilk or buttermilk from the dairy case can be used for baking desserts, such as mini triple-chocolate buttermilk pound cakes, buttermilk-pecan pralines, buttermilk pie, or lemon-buttermilk icebox pie. Powdered buttermilk, when stored properly, can last for years.
There are many beauty benefits to using buttermilk on your skin and hair. Overall, buttermilk improves skin tone, its enzymes are an excellent cleanser, and adding various ingredients, such as walnut powder, makes it a great exfoliator. Recipes that add various food products make buttermilk a treatment for sunburn or to lighten a suntan. It's a good cleanser for your scalp, fighting dandruff and dryness, it feeds and nourishes your hair, and it can be made into a facial or hair mask.