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Bowl & Basket McIntosh Apples for Delivery or Pickup
Bowl & Basket McIntosh Apples Near Me
Buy your favorite Bowl & Basket McIntosh Apples online with Instacart. Order Bowl & Basket McIntosh Apples from local and national retailers near you and enjoy on-demand, contactless delivery or pickup within 2 hours.
FAQs about McIntosh apples
McIntosh apples are a fairly healthy snack by themselves. They are a great source of dietary fiber. Here are the basic nutritional facts for one medium McIntosh apple, roughly 154 grams:
- Calories: 80
- Total fat: 0 grams
- Sodium: 0 milligrams
- Potassium: 170 milligrams
- Carbohydrates: 22 grams
- Fiber: 5 grams, or 20% of your daily recommended value
- Vitamin A: 4% of your daily value
- Vitamin C: 9% of your daily value
- Iron: 5% of your daily value
We suggest eating your McIntosh apples within a few weeks after they are harvested. After that, the McIntosh begins to lose its tart flavor. Don't keep your McIntosh apples on the counter at room temperature, as their flesh will develop a displeasing mealy texture and they'll go soft. Instead, keep your apples in the refrigerator in the crisper drawer.
If you don't get around to using them before they move past their prime, you can still use them to make applesauce or apple pies. Do not store your apples with other fruits and vegetables. Apples produce a lot of ethylene, which can hasten the decaying process of other fruits and vegetables in their vicinity. This goes for apples stored together as well — if you notice one is on its way out, separate it from the rest of the apples to avoid spoiling all of them.
Save yourself a bundle of time by ordering your McIntosh apples and your other grocery items through Instacart. Download the Instacart app or visit our website to start shopping at your local stores right from your phone or computer. Find the items you need and put them in your virtual cart, and then order your purchases to be picked up at the store or delivered to your home if the option is available! Instacart shoppers can handle your grocery store run, so you can use that time to relax or tackle the other items on your to-do list.