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Organic Gorgonzola Delivery or Pickup
Organic Gorgonzola Near Me
Buy your favorite Organic Gorgonzola online with Instacart. Order Organic Gorgonzola from local and national retailers near you and enjoy on-demand, contactless delivery or pickup within 2 hours.
FAQs about Gorgonzola
Gorgonzola is incredibly versatile. The distinctive cheese works well for simple and complex dishes, serving as a tasty sauce or cream for pasta, risotto, or potato gnocchi dishes. You can also use Gorgonzola to add zest to your pizza recipes.
Gorgonzola works well on its own, too. The white and blue marbled appearance looks great on cheeseboards. Gorgonzola makes a perfect pairing with pistachios, honey, or grapes.
You can freeze Gorgonzola if you have a wedge you won't eat quickly enough. Properly stored and frozen Gorgonzola can maintain its best quality for about 6 months, although it can still be safe to eat after this period. Once you defrost a wedge of Gorgonzola in the refrigerator, you can keep it for an additional 3-4 days in the refrigerator before you use it. However, frozen Gorgonzola can become crumbly or lose some flavor. You'll likely want to reserve frozen Gorgonzola for cooked products such as casseroles, sauces, or soups.
Although Gorgonzola is often referred to as blue cheese and is, in fact, a specific type of blue cheese, it differs from other cheese you may know as classic blue cheese. As a category, blue cheese refers to cheese that contains stripes or spots of the Penicillium mold. Gorgonzola cheese specifically must be produced using cow's milk, and it hails from northern Italy.
The deep roots in Italian tradition set Gorgonzola apart from other blue cheeses. Additionally, Gorgonzola has a unique appearance and taste compared to other blue cheese varieties. Gorgonzola is often milder than other similar cheeses.
Simplify your shopping list by finding your go-to Gorgonzola products via Instacart. Order Gorgonzola with Instacart today!