Instacart App

Join more than 1,500 national, regional and local retail banners with more than 85,000 stores available on the Instacart app—the largest grocery marketplace in North America. Instacart makes it possible for millions of people to get the groceries they need from the retailers they love, while also allowing approximately 600,000 shoppers to pick, pack, deliver and earn on their own flexible schedule.

Brand Explorer

Discover innovative products and connect with new brands across various categories with the newest Instacart Platform Portal (IPP) tool.

Brand Explorer allows you to easily discover and connect with hundreds of emerging, innovative brands. Use this tool to browse new products on the cutting edge of consumer trends and expand your assortment in stores and online. 

With Brand Explorer, you can look forward to:

New trend and product discovery, simplified
Discover categories and products that match trends and fill assortment gaps.

The sell sheet — reimagined and more robust
Understand product attributes, pricing, sales growth trends, and more.

Connect directly with the brands that interest you most
Experience an end-to-end brand discovery process led by your team.

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Brand Explorer

Frequently asked questions

How many retail stores are available on the Instacart Marketplace?

As of Q3 2023, the Instacart app is North America's largest grocery marketplace with more than 80,000 store locations on our platform.

How does Instacart benefit both customers and shoppers?

Instacart enables millions of people to get the groceries and other retail items they need in as little as two hours. We also allow 600,000 shoppers to work on their own flexible schedule.

What are the other features available on the Instacart Platform?

In addition to the Instacart app, we also provide the technology that can power retailers' own white-label sites and their fulfillment needs. To help grow your business, we offer a wide range of options in our Instacart Marketing Solutions product.

What are the fulfillment options for pickup and delivery on Instacart?

On the Instacart app, customers can decide if they want to have their order delivered to their house on an expedited timeline, within two hours, or even scheduled ahead in the future. They can alternatively choose to place their order through the app and then pickup their groceries at the retailer they have selected (where available). The newest option is to use the Instacart app to enable your in-store shopping trip, helping you save time and money.

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