Restaurant orders on Instacart are powered by Uber Eats who provides fulfillment, payment processing and customer support services for your restaurant orders.  

To make the Instacart restaurant experience available to you, Instacart shares certain pieces of your information with Uber. Instacart restaurant orders are linked to your Instacart account and are available to you for viewing from within the Instacart App for a certain period of time.

If you update or submit a new payment method while placing your restaurant order, this updated information only applies to your Instacart Restaurants order and will not be available for your grocery orders.

The Instacart restaurant experience is powered by Uber Eats and operates independently from any Uber Eats user account that you may have. Placing an order through the Instacart restaurant experience will not result in the creation of an Uber Eats account accessible through Uber Eats. If you have an existing Uber Eats account, your Instacart restaurant orders won’t appear in your Uber Eats order histories, and your promotions, offers, settings, Uber One benefits, and information stored in your Uber Eats account won’t apply or be made available to you in your Instacart Account. Uber Cash obtained outside of this experience isn't available as a payment method.

Offers and promotions available through the Instacart restaurant experience may not be available on Uber Eats. Please see specific offer and promotion terms for information on whether it applies on restaurant orders.

To read more about how we process your information, please see Instacart’s Privacy Policy. For more information on restaurant orders, go to our Restaurants help center article.