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Welcome to Instacart

If you have a code, enter it now. You can then sign up for or log in to your Instacart account to start using your Fresh Funds.

By redeeming Fresh Funds, you agree to the Fresh Funds Terms, and authorize Instacart to share your email address and information about your purchases with Alignment Health Plan, including your redemption code, items purchased, and order total. Alignment Health Plan will use this information for internal purposes and may use it in connection with any research study in which you are participating.
To learn more or withdraw from your program, visit the Instacart Help Center.

Instacart shoppers bring the store to you

Shoppers collect your items, contact you if a replacement is needed, and provide contactless delivery right to your door.

Frequently asked questions about using Fresh Funds on Instacart

Instacart is an online grocery service that makes it easy to order from your favorite stores. Shop for items from stores near you, with a selection of more than 1,400 retail banners and trusted local grocers across North America. Then, Instacart will connect you with a shopper in your area.

Fresh Funds eligibility is determined by your provider. Fresh Funds are default eligible for all items and fees, but your provider chooses eligibility for their program. Once you redeem your code, you’ll be able to see your program details via the “Add promos or gift cards” section. Tap the three horizontal lines on the top left of the home page and navigate to the Credits & Promos section.

After redeeming your Fresh Funds into an Instacart account, Instacart+ will be automatically applied. To start adding items to your cart, visit the Alignment Instacart storefront at

You don’t need a membership to shop with Instacart. But if you want to save time and money, Instacart+ can help. It’s a membership program that offers unlimited free grocery delivery on orders of $35 or more, lower service fees, and other exclusive benefits.

As an Instacart+ member, you can save $7 per order on average. If you order just twice a month, the membership pays for itself. Here are some of the ways you’ll save: - $0 delivery fees on orders of $35 or more (typically $3.99 or more for non-members) - 5% credit back on eligible pickup orders (excludes alcohol and prescriptions) - Lower service fees* *Service fee covers a broad range of operating costs including shopper operations, insurance, background checks, and Instacart Customer Experience. Credit back terms apply. Exclusive offers are limited-time benefits subject to change. Membership does not provide faster delivery or earlier time slots. Likewise, membership does not guarantee that specific delivery slots will be available for a given delivery. Service fees, priority fees, taxes, tips, and other fees may apply. For details, please visit the Instacart+ Terms and Conditions.

Yes, you can cancel at anytime from the Your Instacart+ Membership page in the Instacart app or on the website. Our help center provides step-by-step instructions. If you prefer, you can contact customer support at 1(888)246-7822

Terms & Conditions

Customer Eligibility and Redemption: To redeem your Fresh Funds promotional code, please visit the website or Instacart mobile app and tap Credits, Promos & Gift Cards then tap Redeem. The Fresh Funds Amount will be automatically deposited into your account on each Refresh Date through the Promotion End Date. To view your Fresh Funds balance, visit the Credits, Promos, and Gift Cards section after signing into your Instacart account. There are no fees associated with your ability to redeem Fresh Funds. Instacart is not responsible for any Fresh Funds promotional codes that are lost, stolen, destroyed or used without your permission. In order to redeem Fresh Funds, customers must have a valid account on with a valid form of accepted payment on file. By redeeming Fresh Funds, you agree Instacart may share your email address and information about your Fresh Fund purchases with the Partner, including your redemption code, items and amounts purchased, and order total. You also agree to receive Fresh Funds deposit and expiration notices from Instacart.