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Rolaids Advanced Antacid Plus Anti-Gas Softchews, 28 Count, Mixed Berry
28 ct
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    Digestive Health Rolaids Advanced Antacid Plus Anti-Gas Softchews, 28 Count, Mixed Berry hero

      Rolaids Advanced Antacid Plus Anti-Gas Softchews, 28 Count, Mixed Berry

      28 ct
      Free returns within 30 days

      Product information


      Antacid + Antigas Softchews Mixed Berry


      Inactive Ingredients: Corn Starch, Corn Syrup, Fd&c Red No. 40, Glycerin, Hydrogenated Coconut Oil, Lecithin (soy), Maltodextrin, Natural And Artificial Flavors, Sucrose, Water



      â–  chew 2-3 chews as symptoms occur, or as directed by a doctor

      Free returns within 30 days

      Items purchased through Instacart can only be returned in-store. Go to the customer service desk at any Walgreens retail store and present your transaction barcode, if available, or Instacart receipt, if not. Your barcode or receipt will be accessible in your order history page. Most purchases are eligible for exchange or refund within 30 days. Walgreens may ask you to show a government-issued photo ID. For more details, see Walgreens's full in-store return policy for details:


      Warnings Ask a doctor or pharmacist before use if you are now taking a prescription drug. Antacids may interact with certain prescription drugs. Keep out of reach of children. When using this product do not take more than 5 chews in a 24-hour period do not use the maximum dosage for more than 2 weeks.

      Product information or packaging displayed may not be current or complete. Always refer to the physical product for the most accurate information and warnings. For additional information, contact the retailer or manufacturer. *Actual weight may vary based on seasonality and other factors. Estimated price is approximate and provided only for reference.