Kroger® Peeled Baby Carrots Bag
$1.3916 oz bag
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Kroger® Peeled Baby Carrots Bag

Kroger® Peeled Baby Carrots Bag

16 oz bag

Product information


Crunchy and convenient, our baby carrots are perfect for party platters, meal prep and after school snacks. They’re low in calories and a single serving contains high levels of beta carotene. While they’re the perfect size for snacking, baby carrots are great in soups, stews and other recipes as well.

• Paleo, Gluten-Free, Vegan, Vegetarian, Kosher

• Perfectly sized for lunchboxes and meal prep kits, baby carrots are a great addition for meals on-the-go

• Non-GMO Project Verified, Kosher

• Fresh, crunchy and sweet

• Potatoes, leafy greens, herbs, spices, brown sugar, maple syrup, cinammon, guacamole, hummus, and peanut butter

• Refrigerate carrots in the original package until opened. Once opened, store them in a resealable plastic bag or other airtight container. Carrots should be stored in the refrigerator between 34 and 36 degrees Fahrenheit. To extend the shelf life of your carrots, you can place a damp paper towel in the bag or container, but avoid storing carrots in water as it will soften their texture

Product information or packaging displayed may not be current or complete. Always refer to the physical product for the most accurate information and warnings. For additional information, contact the retailer or manufacturer. *Actual weight may vary based on seasonality and other factors. Estimated price is approximate and provided only for reference.