Sunkist Navel Oranges
3 lb
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    Fresh Fruits Sunkist Navel Oranges hero

      Sunkist Navel Oranges


      Navel oranges are pretty much the most classic-looking (and tasting) orange of all time, most easily recognized by their navel-like formation on one end (hence the name). And once you give them a taste, you can’t forget them either. Also known as The Essential Orange™, Sunkist Navel oranges are super juicy, refreshingly sweet, and not too acidic. Navel oranges are seedless and their thick skin is surprisingly easy to peel. They offer a whopping 90% of your recommended daily vitamin C.

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      Navel oranges are pretty much the most classic-looking (and tasting) orange of all time, most easily recognized by their navel-like formation on one end (hence the name). And once you give them a taste, you can’t forget them either. Also known as The Essential Orange™, Sunkist Navel oranges are super juicy, refreshingly sweet, and not too acidic. Navel oranges are seedless and their thick skin is surprisingly easy to peel. They offer a whopping 90% of your recommended daily vitamin C.

      Product information or packaging displayed may not be current or complete. Always refer to the physical product for the most accurate information and warnings. For additional information, contact the retailer or manufacturer. *Actual weight may vary based on seasonality and other factors. Estimated price is approximate and provided only for reference.