You can make personal, shareable, and reusable shopping lists to easily buy your favorite items. Lists can be public or private, but both are shareable with friends and family. 

Private lists are not searchable, not discoverable, and can only include one store. Public lists are searchable and can include multiple stores. 

Creating lists

You can view and create Your lists from your account profile—

Tap the Account icon
Select Lists under Collections
Select Create new on the top right corner of the screen image10.png
  • Choose your preferred store 
  • Create a title for your list 
  • Add an optional description

Select Next to add items to your list

  • You can have a total of 30 items per list

You can choose items through—

  • The Suggested, Buy it again, or Favorited sections within lists or 
  • The item detail view


Item detail view 


Once done selecting items, select Done. The list items are saved under Your lists image7.png


View your lists on the website 

Tap the 3 horizontal lines on the top left of the screen image8.png
Select Your lists image9.png


Adding items from your list to your cart

You can easily move items from a list to your cart. 

Tap Account at the bottom of your screen unnamed.png

Select Saved lists under Collections

Select the list that you want to add items from image4.png
Select View all #xx items image12.png

You can either—

  • Select the + next to each item to add them separately to your cart or
  • Select Add #xx items to cart to add all of the list items to your cart