You can change your delivery date and time up until a shopper begins working on your order. Here’s how to reschedule—

In the app:

  1. Tap Account at the bottom of your screen
  2. Tap Orders
  3. Select the order you’d like to reschedule
  4. Next to the delivery date and time information, tap Edit
  5. Choose a new delivery time and/or date
  6. Tap Reschedule delivery time

On the website:

  1. At the top left, click the 3 horizontal lines
  2. From the menu, click Your orders
  3. Locate the order you’re rescheduling and click View Order Details
  4. On the Order Details page, in the Order Info box on the right side of the page, click Edit
  5. Choose a new delivery time and/or date
  6. Click Save in the upper right corner
  7. The new delivery date/time will update in the Order Info box. You’re all set!