Grocery Guides

Patty Pan Squash – All You Need to Know | Instacart Guide to Fresh Produce



Last Updated: Feb 25, 2022

What is Patty Pan squash?

Patty Pan squash, also known as scallop squash, is part of the summer squash family known as Cucurbita pepo. It’s closely related to the zucchini and the crook-neck squash.

Patty Pan squash looks just as silly as its name sounds, which is a good thing when it comes to trying to get kids to eat it. The vegetable resembles a star fruit or a mushroom. It’s usually baked, steamed, roasted, stuffed, grilled, or braised, and it can also be prepared whole, halved, sliced, or grated.

Patty Pan squash grows in different sizes and colors, ranging from white to yellow to green to orange.

Where did Patty Pan squash originate from?

Patty Pan squash is an annual vegetable native to Central America. However, the French name for the Patty Pan squash comes from a cake baked in a scallop-edged mold.

What are the benefits of eating Patty Pan squash?

Eating Patty Pan squash gives you a lot of nutrients. These vegetables are 90% water, have 18 calories per 100g, and contain no cholesterol or saturated fat. In addition, it’s got 1.2g of protein and also contains:

  • Calcium
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A
  • Magnesium
  • Copper
  • Iron

Ready to get some Patty Pan squash for the kids to try? No need to go searching for “fresh produce near me” or “Patty Pan squash near me.” Get fresh produce delivery with Instacart and choose same-day delivery!

How is Patty Pan squash grown?

To grow some Patty Pan squash of your own, wait until the soil is warm enough and then seed directly in the garden. You also have the option of starting the seeds indoors about 4 to 6 weeks before your transplant date. However, plants that are direct seeded will catch up pretty quickly.

Plant the seeds about 1in deep. Consider planting your squash in hills or clusters with 2 or 3 seeds per hill. Keep the hills spaced 2 to 3ft apart. Thin each hill to 1 or 2 plants after the seedlings are about 2 to 3in tall. A second planting in mid-summer can help your garden continue producing into the fall if that’s your goal.

Use rich, well-draining soil with a pH of 6.1 to 6.5. Also, keep the vines watered well, especially when they’re in bloom. Patty Pan squash will grow best in temperatures between 65 and 75°F. For best results, try side-dressing the plants with compost or fertilize them every 4 weeks while they’re producing fruiting and flowering.

You can harvest the Patty Pan squash plants in 45 to 70 days, and they can be picked when they’re about 2in in diameter. They’ll stay tender until they get to about 4in in diameter.

When is Patty Pan squash in season?

Patty Pan squash is in season during the summer months since it’s a summer squash. You should be able to find it at your local grocery store or farmer’s market. If you can’t find it at either, try your local Latin or Mexican market.

What should I look for when buying Patty Pan squash?

When shopping for Patty Pan squash in the grocery store, look for firm and shiny ones and free of blemishes and cuts.

If you are looking to have your groceries delivered, you can easily shop for Patty Pan squash via Instacart. After adding a product to your cart, use the “Instructions” option to notify your Instacart shopper about any preferences or specific directions on how to choose the best products. Shop for Patty Pan squash.

How to store Patty Pan squash

Patty Pan can be stored in several ways to keep it fresher longer. Patty Pan squash doesn’t last as long as other summer squash because it contains less moisture.

To store Patty Pan squash the right way, keep it dry and unwashed. Put it in a plastic bag or paper bag with one end open and pop it in the crisper drawer in the fridge. Make sure it’s between 45 and 50°F.

If you’d prefer to freeze them to make them last even longer, boil the pattypan squash for 3 minutes before transferring it to ice water to let it cool. Dry out any excess water and keep the boiled pattypan squash in an airtight container. Then, put it in the freezer.

How to tell if Patty Pan squash is bad

You’ll know your Patty Pan squash has gone bad if you see mold on it or if the skin appears wrinkled. If the flesh feels mushy when you cut it, chances are your patty pan squash has gone bad. If you see thick, whitish liquid, throw it out.

Another way to tell if your Patty Pan squash has gone bad is if it smells bad. Give it a good whiff, and you should know right away if it’s good or bad.

What can I substitute for Patty Pan squash?

Don’t have Patty Pan squash? Don’t worry. You can substitute it with something else from the same family, such as zucchini or crookneck. You can even use chayote.

Selecting the best Patty Pan squash

Patty Pan squash may look like a funny vegetable, but it’s packed full of amazing nutrients that can help with bone and prostate health. Not to mention, it’s easy to grow, store, and substitute. So if you’re ready for this yummy goodness in your life, get fresh produce delivery with Instacart and choose same-day delivery!



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