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Boody Clothes and Apparel for Delivery or Pickup
Boody Apparel Near Me
Buy your favorite Boody Apparel online with Instacart. Order Boody Baby Clothing, Accessories, Kids Clothing, and more from local and national retailers near you and enjoy on-demand, contactless delivery or pickup within 2 hours.
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FAQs About Apparel
Clothing returns are subject to the store's return policies. If you're purchasing apparel through Instacart, you may want to check with the store that you're buying the clothes from to make sure you understand their return and exchange policies. In many cases, you can take the clothing back to the store with an Instacart receipt.
If you receive an item from your Instacart shopper that's damaged or otherwise unusable, you may be eligible for a refund from Instacart. You must request a refund within seven days of delivery. Though refunds are processed immediately, you may not see the funds in your bank account for five to 10 business days.
Check the website of the store or clothing brand for a size chart when you're purchasing apparel online. Most clothing manufacturers have charts available that specify the measurements for each size. This will help you understand how a particular piece of clothing runs. Use your personal measurements to determine where you fall on the size chart. This is the most reliable method of finding the right size if you're ordering from a brand that you've never worn before.
Do take the time to check items that you've previously purchased if you have other pieces from this clothing brand. Ordering the same or similar items in a size that you've worn before is the best way to get a good fit when you're ordering apparel online.
Some items are easier to purchase online than others. Many of the apparel items that are available through Instacart are simple staples like socks or underwear. These are some of the simplest things to pick out online because they're easier to fit. If you simply need to restock on these essentials, look for the same brand and size so you can get items that are familiar and feel just right.
Winter essentials like gloves, scarves, and hats are easy to buy online as well. These often come in one-size-fits-all options so you don't have to worry about finding a size chart to help you get the right item.
Instacart works with many retailers throughout the United States. Some locations that you may find apparel at include Stop & Shop, Shoppers, Five Below, Walmart, and more. The available items will vary by store, so the best way to find out what's in stock is to check the offerings for your area in the Instacart app.
Once you have an account with Instacart, you can search for participating retailers in your area. Within each store, you can scroll through the available departments and see what apparel is in-stock for Instacart delivery or pick-up.
Instacart offers same-day deliveries for your orders. This makes Instacart a convenient choice when you need essential apparel items like socks or underwear and don't have time to run to the store. To help the delivery process go smoothly, turn on notifications for the Instacart app and watch your phone for calls or text messages from your Instacart shopper or delivery driver. If an item is unavailable, the shopper may contact you to discuss alternatives.
You can reschedule your Instacart delivery up until the time your shopper begins working on the order. Simply access your orders online or in the Instacart app, select the order that you want to reschedule, and edit the details accordingly. Shop Instacart for an easy way to access the apparel items that you need.