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Irish Whiskey Delivery or Pickup

The Instacart buying guide to Irish whiskey

The popularity of Irish whiskey has been growing by leaps and bounds in the last 10 years. If you are interested in trying Irish whiskey or just looking for a new favorite, our buying guide can help. With Instacart, getting a bottle of Irish whiskey couldn't be easier. Add a whiskey to your cart, and our shoppers will pick and deliver your item, often in as little as 2 hours!

Irish Whiskey Near Me

Buy your favorite Irish Whiskey online with Instacart. Order Irish Whiskey from local and national retailers near you and enjoy on-demand, contactless delivery or pickup within 2 hours.

FAQs about Irish whiskey

When ordering Irish whiskey through Instacart, please take note of the following restrictions:
  • You must be of legal drinking age (21) to order alcohol through Instacart.
  • Instacart cannot take special requests for alcohol.
  • If your selected whiskey is out of stock, your shopper will discuss a replacement with you. If a replacement is unavailable, your shopper will remove the item from your order and refund your money.
  • Irish whiskey cannot substitute for a non-alcoholic item.
  • When your Irish whiskey is delivered, you must provide ID to your shopper.
  • Our shoppers cannot deliver alcohol to a person who is visibly intoxicated. 

Instacart accepts U.S. driver's licenses, state-issued identification cards, and military IDs. Instacart also accepts U.S. passports as identification unless your order is from Walmart, Costco, or in the state of California. 

Your shopper will scan or manually enter your identification information when they deliver your order. Manual entry of your ID information is not permitted in California or on Costco and Walmart orders.